What is GYM?

Generations Youth Ministry (GYM) is a place for kids to discover the amazing love and power of God; where kids learn to know, obey and trust God. The ministry breaks down the Word of God and teaches youth how to walk and talk the Christian lifestyle at an age-appropriate level for children, birth to High School.


Our purpose is to instill the character, biblical foundations and principles of Christ into the hearts and minds of all children.


Our mission is to equip children at their present age to develop an understanding of Christ that they would begin to develop and build a personal relationship with Christ.


Our goal is to work hand in hand with parents as we together, raise children who wholeheartedly serve Christ through obedience, worship, and Godly character.

Join Our Team and Submit an Application!
GYM Workers Application



Register Your Student with the Generations Youth Ministry 
This will allow for information pertaining to our Youth to be submitted to their respective Ministry Managers for follow-up and communication.
Student Registration Form

  • B.I.G. (7th Grade and Younger)
  • H.O.L.L.A. (8th – 12th Grade)
  • Nursery
  • F.U.E.L. (Bible Studies)
  • Youth After CHRIST (YAC)
  • Child Evangelism
  • Young Adult Ministry (YAM)
  • Generations Youth Choir (GYC)
  • Vacation Bible School (VBS)
  • Camps
  • Community Summer Reading Academy
  • Youth Ushers/Greeters
  • Boys2Men


Generations Supports Church School

Generations is encouraging all Young People to attend Church School at least once a month. The Christian Education Department is full of great teachers (like Pastor McClendon teaching the Future Leaders Class). Join a class at  8:00am on Sunday Mornings. There are classes for all ages.

Generations Text
If you want to receive updates via text about Generations and you have not already subscribed, please go to: www.remind.com/join/genminlead.


Children’s literature has a wealth of insightful, educational, and appealing books to help educate children about race and racial injustice in the United States. Including everything from picture books to novels, covering both historical and contemporary struggles, this list of children’s books can help parents better inform their children about the realities of race and racial injustice in the United States.

See our list of Book Recommendations 




Rev. DeVon Odems
Youth Pastor

Email: generations@stjamesmcbc.org

Rev Cory Davis - cropped

Rev. Cory Davis
GYM Director

Email: generations@stjamesmcbc.org